Saturday, March 28, 2009

Crazy weather

We're having some crazy weather right now. I can't wait for Spring to actually arrive! Kenny is gone again and the kids are off to play basketball at the clubhouse so I'm all alone with Molly. We're just sitting here looking out on the cloudy day and channel flipping.

Looking forward to Easter and having some family time, just wishing that we were back home as everyone gets together to celebrate. I want the warmer weather to come so I can continue to walk outside and enjoy our surroundings while losing some weight.

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend despite the weather across the country!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

What to say?

Well...the past week has been a whirlwind of emotions. We were lifted up and then dropped after 72 hours. Bio mom changed her mind, which she is 100% entitled to do. However, we were told that she was not getting her regardless due to the underlying circumstances. So, Friday we were told that an "aunt" was getting her temporarily, pending the outcome of an indepth 30-day investigation, but that "grandma" was coming up from TX to discourage this arrangement. Well, here we sit a week later and NOTHING! No news, no baby, just "please hang in there with us." Well, we really don't know what that means or what to expect so we're just here...trying to get back to normal and waiting for more information that may or may not ever come.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

What an amazing but crazy day

Well, today may be the first day to the end of our desire to have a daughter. For those of you who may not know, we had a failed adoption in 2006 and finally decided to try again, but this time with our eyes wide open. We finished MAPP classes through the county where we live in order to adopt through the state or do a foster-to-adopt placement. Well, we've really been wondering if God was going to bring a little girl into our life or if we were just getting too old.

Today at 11:15 a.m. we received the call that a female child was born yesterday. She weighs 5 lbs. 11 oz. They gave us little more information and what they did give I cannot share. She was right at full term and doing well, but has a little fever so they have to keep her for 48 hours while she's on antibiotics. We want her now, but we also want her healthy.

The boys are just tickled but not trying to get overly excited. Kenny and I are the same way...cautiously optimistic you can say. She's not legally free so we will take care of her and love her as if she were our own every day that we have her and hopefully that will be for the rest of our lives.

More to come...

Saturday, March 7, 2009

The sun finally came out

The sun decided to come out and stay out today. I believe that we ended up at 80 or very close to it. I spent most of the day working on a midterm. Boy will I be glad when school is over and I graudate in May!!! The boys couldn't wait to get out of the house and stayed out with friends most of the day. Some of them even decided that it was warm enough to get in the lake...yeah, not so much. But, they had fun so it's all good. Kenny washed his bike and decided to take a ride since I was doing homework and actually got sunburned. Guess spring is here...well, at least until Thursday according to the news.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Just another Friday

I didn't think that I'd get into this, but I guess this is the age that we're in. All of our friends seem to have a blog, are on MySpace or Facebook and it's a good way to keep in touch and keep family and friends up-to-date with our very hectic life!