Monday, April 9, 2012

What a difference a year makes...

Well, as you can all see, the kids have all grown.  Here's hoping that Orrin stops growing up!!  This is the Easter 2012 picture of the kids.  Orrin's two months from graduation and then before we know it he'll be off to Kansas State University.  Mack is enjoying high school and JROTC.  As you can see, he's closing in on his brother's height and is already taller than both Kenny and I.  The boys are still playing baseball for the high school and enjoying it.  We have a lot to do over the next couple of months to get ready for the summer.
Kenny got back just before Easter and made it such a wonderful weekend for all of us to spend together.  He's off to parts unknown at the end of the month.  He has orders for Ft. Hood, but we're sure hoping that something else works out for his last three years of active duty.
Well, Sydney has grown by leaps and bounds, she's talking and we can understand most of what she tells us.  We're still waiting on a decision from the Court of Appeals.  We're sure hoping that by Easter of next year, she will officially and forever more be a "Rice."