Friday, July 16, 2010

Time marches on...

Well, day by day we get closer to Kenny's homecoming and out next court date.

The boys are growing and getting closer and closer to leaving home to lead their own lives. I can hardly believe that in less than two weeks, my baby boy will be a teenager. But, then again, my firstborn is old enough to get his license. And, we're hoping to start all over. Well, we've basically started over since Sydney came to live wiht us when he was 5 weeks old, but her future with us is so uncertain. We do not treat her as if she is with us for a short time, she is one of us. She knows that we are her family, regardless of whether or not we are biologically linked. She looks to us for love, stability and safety and receives it all 10 fold.

I have seen such a change in my boys since she came into our family. They take more time to stop and smell the roses so to speak. They don't immediately lock theirselves in their rooms or the bonus room, they come downstairs just to see what she's doing. They love to make her smile and giggle. They can't wait until she crawls and I tell them not to push because I want to savor every single thing that she does. I know, regardless of whether we get to adopt her or not, this is the last baby that I will raise. After Sydney, I'll just have to wait for grandchildren.

For now, time will continue to march on, we'll get Kenny home, our lives will return somewhat to "normal," whatever that is. And, we'll wait until sometime in September and see what the court says.

More to come...

Monday, July 5, 2010

4th of July

What a wonderful 4th of July. We were able to spend the evening with family and friends alike. We had great food (way too much of it) and fellowship. We were able to watch not only our fireworks display, but those of other subdivisions in the immediate area...they seemed to go on forever.

How awesome to see two children watch their first 4th of July fireworks.

The only thing that would have made the day better would have been if Kenny was here to share it with us.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


It's hard to believe that my first baby is now 16. No Sweet 16 like the girls get, but 16 nonetheless. Where has time gone?

It seems like yesterday that I was sitting and watching him sleep and basking in the fact that he was really mine. To think back on his first smile, the first time he crawled and walked. The first time he said "mama" and reached for me to hold him. Now, I look up at my "baby" because he is 6'4" and towers over everyone else in the family.

He's in football and baseball and does what he feels is "necessary" in school. He's also in the high school band and has a wonderful girlfriend. Still hard to believe that he's going to be a junior in high school in a few short months. We won't even get into the fact that he can legally drive.

And, here we are trying to start the journey all over again. But, what can you do but love them, give them your all and hope that when they go out into the world you have given them all of the skills they need in order to succeed and become a productive member of society.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Time flies...

How time flies when we're having fun. Today Sydney is 5 months old. She's grown so much since coming to live with us. She is now eating regularly. She likes Rice cereal, is getting used to oatmeal, loves sweet potatoes, prunes (yes, prunes), apples (not applesauce so much), and pears. She's not really fond of peas and/or green beans but we're still working on that.

She giggles out loud and is doing everything she can to roll from her back to her tummy. She is full of smiles, especially when someone she loves is talking to her. She can blow raspberries, pick up her toys when they're close by and has recently learned to put her pacified in her mouth unassisted. She also loves to sit where she can see what is going on. Since she was 5 weeks old, she's loved to be in the middle of the mix.

The boys still absolutely love her and spend as much time as they can with her. Yes, believe it or not, they even feed her and change diapers. So funny to think that when we started this adventure a few years ago, there are so many things that they WOULD NOT do, and now they do them all and more.

She is such a blessing to have in our life and we relish in her smiles and giggles each and every day that we have with her.

The boys are growing so quickly and will soon be out of the house. They're both ready for school to be out so they can get into summer baseball. I guess that they just grow up too soon!

Monday, May 17, 2010

What a life...

Well, I have always had a strong belief in God and I know that it's that belief that is getting me through each day right now.

Being a foster parent is probably one of the hardest things that I've ever done in my life. You bring a child or children into your home to care for and love and keep safe, all the while knowing that you could have to let them go. Knowing that they're going to a good, safe, loving home can make it easiser to deal with. However, it's not always sunshine and roses and you wonder why. There was a reason that the child/children were removed and when we haven't lived that life, we wonder how someone...anyone, can't put their children first.

Being blessed enough to watch them grow and reach the heights that you know they can reach is amazing. We have been blessed to have this precious little one for three and a half months and she's thriving. Only time will tell what is to happen.

To think that I almost gave up after we lost Brianna...God knew what he was doing and was directing me all along to just wait it out and see what was to come. He wanted me to put my faith in His hands knowing that He knew when the time would be right for us to take in another child. Trust can be so hard, but when we put our trust in Him....all things fall into place.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Time marches on...

Well, time seems to still march on....regardless of whether we want it to or not.

2010 has not started out the best. 4BCT has lost several soldiers already, one of them a good friend of ours. They all hurt, but when it hits this close to home, it just takes your breath away.

The good news is that we have been asked to accept the placement of a 6-week old baby girl. She will be our foster child and we will take care of her and love her as if she were our own for all the time we have her. This is going to be a challenge as it has been almost 13 years since I had a baby in the house. But, I think that the boys and I are up to it...

more to come.