Tuesday, June 22, 2010


It's hard to believe that my first baby is now 16. No Sweet 16 like the girls get, but 16 nonetheless. Where has time gone?

It seems like yesterday that I was sitting and watching him sleep and basking in the fact that he was really mine. To think back on his first smile, the first time he crawled and walked. The first time he said "mama" and reached for me to hold him. Now, I look up at my "baby" because he is 6'4" and towers over everyone else in the family.

He's in football and baseball and does what he feels is "necessary" in school. He's also in the high school band and has a wonderful girlfriend. Still hard to believe that he's going to be a junior in high school in a few short months. We won't even get into the fact that he can legally drive.

And, here we are trying to start the journey all over again. But, what can you do but love them, give them your all and hope that when they go out into the world you have given them all of the skills they need in order to succeed and become a productive member of society.