Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Lonely days & nights

I hate to complain, but deployments get so tiring. The boys keep me busy which is so nice because it helps to pass the time more quickly. However, I didn't initially marry a soldier and the longer this haul goes on, the harder it seems to be to take. I LOVE MYSOLDIER and support what he is doing 100% but I really want to be with him and it seems like since we moved we haven't really lived together.

There have also been so many things that have happened in our life the past six months that have taken us to the highest of highs and the lowest of lows that I'm probably just trying to adjust to life as "normal" since football is over.

OK - I'll quit and stop the pity party!!!

God Bless ALL of our soldiers, past and present who have interrupted their lives and that of their families as well as those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for their country.

1 comment:

  1. I am right there with you. Although your soldier has been gone more than mine. It is hard to be a military spouse. Don't ever feel like you are complaining, because you aren't. You have a right to feel the way you do! Chin up.
