Sunday, May 30, 2010

Time flies...

How time flies when we're having fun. Today Sydney is 5 months old. She's grown so much since coming to live with us. She is now eating regularly. She likes Rice cereal, is getting used to oatmeal, loves sweet potatoes, prunes (yes, prunes), apples (not applesauce so much), and pears. She's not really fond of peas and/or green beans but we're still working on that.

She giggles out loud and is doing everything she can to roll from her back to her tummy. She is full of smiles, especially when someone she loves is talking to her. She can blow raspberries, pick up her toys when they're close by and has recently learned to put her pacified in her mouth unassisted. She also loves to sit where she can see what is going on. Since she was 5 weeks old, she's loved to be in the middle of the mix.

The boys still absolutely love her and spend as much time as they can with her. Yes, believe it or not, they even feed her and change diapers. So funny to think that when we started this adventure a few years ago, there are so many things that they WOULD NOT do, and now they do them all and more.

She is such a blessing to have in our life and we relish in her smiles and giggles each and every day that we have with her.

The boys are growing so quickly and will soon be out of the house. They're both ready for school to be out so they can get into summer baseball. I guess that they just grow up too soon!

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